Monday 2 March 2009

Three for Three

A Couple of weeks ago I took my test proposition to one more retailer just in case my test retailers declined to take the test forward after the delay I've had.

My delivery was confident, perhpas too brief and too polished as it brought a relatively non-plus response at first. Niether positive nor negative, just a "I don't know what to make of this".

But that was just my perception really, as he accepted the test and was keen to progress.

So I've pushed some buttons and made some POS. I've tried to sort out my systems but I don't think its going to happen in time for this renewed test.

Immediatley following my meeting with the retailer, I was worrying about what needed to be done, and it wasn't until I met up with my business buddy did I realise that I had a 100% record of gaining test partners. Now that is something to celebrate.

Of course, I started to ask why is it 100%. Is it the cash guarantee? Well to some degree it must have an impact but its probably not all down to that, as if the idea was crap they still wouldn't take it on. I think the idea, the proposition and the clarity all combine together to make it relatively compelling.

So in a few weeks time I should have the results...

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