Thursday 12 March 2009

Give me strength...

One evening this week I went to see one of my test retailers to help train his staff in the product and to pass on the point of sale.

I was quite nervous before I went to see him as it feels that "everything" rides on the success of this test.

Anyways, I managed to subdue my nerves and despite some slight technical difficulties upfront, I took his two staff through what the product was, what to do and provide a Q&A sheet I'd produced.

I was very impressed by the young girl, who I think was the niece of the owner. She was switched on and seemed genuinely excited by the idea of the product. The other guy just seemed a bit of a thicko, really. And more worryingly was the fact that the owner had "empowered" this thicko to be in charge of the test. He just seemed to freeze when going through what to say and I don't think has the confidence to "upsell" to any of the customers coming in the store. I left with the owner saying he would start and felt it would be a success...

I on the other hand didn't. Partly to do with my insecurities, and partly to down with the numpty that he'd left in charge. I really didn't feel confident about this guy.

Well a few days later, and I seem vindicated as not a single thing has been sold. So I'm going to go back & intervene tomorrow. I'm pretending to visit with some additional Point of Sale, but I will be polite & direct about his obligations, and I'm considering implementing a staff incentive, as I can't afford this to fail.

I'm really hacked off about this and feeling that the last year plus has been a complete waste of time. I genuinely had faith in my product, and so did others, but for some reason nothing is happening. May be he's not trying... May be its not even started yet... May be its the whole darkest hour before the dawn again...

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