Monday 2 March 2009

Any old iron

The other week, I accompanied my business buddy to a Trade Fair where his competitors exhibit and where he would exhibit in the future.

I went with hope rather than expectation as I really wasn't sure what would come of the visit. I think my business buddy was in the same frame of mind.

But it was good to see. Good to see all the junk that people sell. Jeez! You name it, this place had people punting it... candles, lingerie, swords, pot pourri, picture frames, garden furniture...

And while we were there we talked to the competitors and gleamed a great deal of information just from idle chat - their levels of distribution (about 1,000 independents and also some nationals); their levels of margin they offer on their products(50%, i.e. double the wholesale price + VAT); their promotions & support (some "show specials" with specific off shelf display point of sale).

So it was quite a good visit just from learning about the competition point of view but also about the clear level of expectation has now been set if he was to exhibit there next year.

We left the exhibition, not buzzing about the opportunity for his idea but for a completely different idea, born from seeing so many other crappy products that other people are trying to sell!

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