Thursday 26 March 2009

A New Hope?

Its funny.... I look back on so many things that have happened to me before, and just when I've given up hope, low and behold something comes & along to re-ignite it...

Today is one of those days...

Following the disaster that was my test, I emailed the retailer that I would no longer be supporting the test either with additional products or in the form of the income guarantee i had offered. Before I sent the email I asked my business buddy to comment on it and he said "its clear, objective and unemotional" which was completely different to how I was feeling as I just wanted to say "What have you been doing??? You're screwing up all my dreams!!!". But I'm now so grateful for having some restraint in my email...

He replied today saying he would like to have another shot at it, to which I said yes although I would no longer offer a guarantee on his income and I wanted to come & see him and discuss what could be improved.

So tomorrow we live again to fight another day... perhaps my dreams can come true!

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