Wednesday 13 May 2009

The Journey Continues

The other week I caught up with an old colleague to pick his brains about what my issue following my test was and also to help me research on a budget any potential solutions.

The main thought that came from our discussions was one that has worried me before...

... my product is irrelevant to people.

When introducing my idea to people they have all unanimously said "That's a great idea" and start to give me their builds on the idea (most of which I have already considered before they amde them so I smile and say interesting thought!).

But the crunch comes when I find out they are perfect target audience - they don't see it being relevant to them!

From that I think I have to focus on the "Reason To Believe" along with the Emotional Benefits and communicating both of those in a truly compelling & engaging way. To some degree my target consumers needs to be informed about what happens if they don't take my product, which is obviously negative and I'd love to spin that around into a positive & up beat message.

So working on that basis, I need to get in contact with some experts in the field of my product and then bounce my ideas around some consumers until I find a motivating & clear proposition.

My old colleague gave me some ideas on how I can do this on a budget, and here they are...

Find a "Group" on facebook and contact them asking for feedback on my idea
Find a professional "expert" who knows everything there is to know about my problem
Find a market research company who wants to work in my industry and see if they would provide some additional questions in their background questionnaires.

Pay for an omnibus research study to see the scope of the challenge of relevancy

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