Tuesday 23 February 2010

What am I?

So the news is out there... I'm leaving!

And the immediate response from my colleagues is "Where are you off to?" and I stumble something out about starting my own business, which leads me into a cul de sac of "What are you starting?" and that's where I get lost.

I struggle to explain in one sentence what it is I'm planning to do... Do I say I'm going to a be a crap juggler? Don't think that sets me in the best light and it takes a bit longer to explain than a snappy one sentence. If I say internet retailing then it means ebay to some. Am I a property developer? Well not straight away, may be in a couple of years but that also brings about images of Sarah Beanie... Am I a coach? That seems to be a popular thing that everybody goes off to do. And I somehow judge a number of the other terms as being... well... naff...

Entrepreneur? Nah! It seems too grandiose. And it's french!
Business Angel? No way - I've got no money to invest!
Inventor? Am I really going to invent anything and I don't have a garden shed?
Founder? I think is retrospective - you can only be a founder once you have founded something
Impresario? Jeez! That sounds like I'm about to deliver an aria in an opera...

So what am I actually going to do? Basically, I'm taking a very improvised way and trying out a number of things and seeing what sticks... What is that called??? Chancer? Adventurer? Daredevil? Those terms are closer to the truth, but not close enough. The closest I can come up with is Improvised Capitalist...

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