Monday 3 November 2008

Domains Annoymous

I need help!

I need to get off this addiction...

I now seem to be in a frame of mind which is constantly coming up with business ideas. So far I've come up with TWO Internet dating sites; a mobile phone application; a consultancy for new business start-ups; a golf range; a couple of pub ideas and a nationwide "Business Buddy" network application. And that's before I've had my dinner...

And I have already bought some domain names for some of the ideas mentioned above, even before I've built up the Big Idea, concept or even a business plan.

On chatting with my business buddy the other evening we both realised that we are now seeing the world through a different lens... a lens of opportunity.. a lens of ideas that have yet to come to life...

And the only thing that is really stopping both of us with all these other ideas is a combination of cash to play with and time. I think if one of us has a success, then both of us would then end up just coming up with ideas and chasing down these ideas with more energy.

But for now I am left with my addiction to buying domain names... I think I own 20 now...

Patience is a virgin

Throughout this whole process, I have had something confirmed to me that I suspected about myself for some time...

I'm not really a patient person, yet others perceive that I am. I feel I get frustrated quite quickly about myself & my ideas and give up before others do. I am easily my fiercest critic.

The classic case is where I had given up hope and then 10 minutes later hope had been restored. But it happens all the time, and not just with my ideas or with work.

I sometimes call this "the darkest hour" as I always think its over just before I turn the corner. And I suppose the good thing is I am learning that about myself and therefore spending slightly longer to make sure I truly am giving things enough time. That I truly am getting the best perspective.

Today my patience is beginning to wear thin about my funding for this stage of my idea... certain commitments have been made by others, but at this stage they are not forthcoming, despite me chasing them down. But then again they have stressed they will know more by Tuesday, so may be I shouldn't panic...

Pateience & determination I think are the keys to unlock the opoprtunities... I just need to remember the "darkest hour" and not give up all hope just yet...