Wednesday 21 May 2008

How to write a business plan - my thoughts...

Currently I have a Microsoft Word template for building my business plan, which is a combination of a number of things - my experience from new product development at my current employer; my readings on the matter; and some additional thoughts about how I can build in my thinking into my business plan.

The basic structure is as follows:-

Executive Summary

The Opportunity - The situation, the idea, how it works and the key benefits to the user

Strategy - objectives & mission; product strategy; marketing strategy; distribution strategy; financial & risk management strategy; strategic alliances; dashboards

Company Information - location; objectives & mission; ownership; start-up funding; legal (including Intellectual Property); Company KPI's

Product - product objectives & strategy; product description; competitors; technical solution; npd opportunities; competitive advantage; product KPI's; product budget

Marketing - marketing strategy & objectives; market information; market trends & consumption patterns; consumer identification & segmentation; consumer insight; brand definition & essence wheel; price positioning; advertising & promotional activity; new & expanding market opportunities; marketing KPI's; marketing budget

Distribution - distribution objectives & strategy; routes to consumer; distribution structure & segmentation analysis; distribution insights; number of distribution points & share; distribution marketing & communication; distribution pricing positioning & strategy; distribution KPI's; distribution budget

Strategic Alliances & Corporate Affairs - corporate affairs objectives & strategy; stakeholder mapping; stakeholder management; corporate affairs KPI's; corporate affairs budget

Financial & Risk Management - financial & risk management objectives & strategy; proposed business model; finance KPI's; projected profit / loss and balance sheet; key ratios; cash collection & bad debt; overall risk identification & mitigation plan; risk KPI's; finance & risk management KPI's

People - people objective & strategy; management structure; organisational structure; role profiles; cultural values; policies; people KPI's; people budget

Appendix - all relevant background documents referred to above

I have also developed a summary business plan which really just outlines the opportunity, the financial modelling, KPI's and key next steps. This I am envisaging will help gauge attractiveness of the idea by key stakeholders, before I put too much work into the main business plan.

One other thing I've developed along side either of these two documents is a non-disclosure agreement, to enable the discussion of key pertinent facts with friends and potential investors and still protect your intellectual property.

Over and above these documents, I still have to develop my pitch to potential investors.

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