Wednesday 21 May 2008


Number 1 - Cash

I feel embarrassed to admit it, but the main reason for me even thinking about starting my own business is for the cash. I'm sitting writing this in my rented studio flat, down to my last few pounds for the month and unsure about the future. I have a good job with a steady pay packet, of which it is WAY above average, but I am frustrated with my current lifestyle. How could I make my lilfestyle better? I've missed out on the property boom and struggle to be able to afford a house where I want to live. I could continue to delude myself that it will all be solved with me winning the lottery (I know its a tax on hope and a tax on the statistically inept but I still dream). I know... I know...

I could probably make me life better with some money saving or moving out of central London, I could just sit safe and continue to reap the monthly rewards from my work and slowly & steadily make my life better.

But I think this idea is worth the risk. I can take the risk and make a sizeable change to my life both in terms of lifestyle but also in terms of self-actualisation. In other words, I get excited about thinking about the money, and what it could bring for me and I also know its not the be all and end all of life...

Number 2 - Legacy
Money is not the only thing... I'd like to feel I left something positive in the world. To feel that my contribution to the world has helped people with their lives and both my ideas, I think, will offer that.

Number 3 - Challenge
And I love the thought of even attempting it. I know its audacious, and that really excites me. I sometimes think "God! Why am I even thinking of trying this? This is something a big organisation should attempt, not just me as a one man band! Am I crazy?". And I love the thought of seeing this through and bring to life something that is globally massive.

Number 4 - Destiny
This is a bit pompous but it is nevertheless real. Ever since I was a wee boy, I've always wanted to run my own business, just like my dad. At one stage I thought I would work with my dad, and I like the thought that on this project I will work with my dad. Its been my dream through school about what I would do, that I would have my own business, and it influenced my choice at University to study Management Studies. I have lived and dreamed of my own business for as long as I can remember.

Number 5 - Creativity
I like the feeling, as I've said above, that I am bringing something to life. Something that previously did not exist and something that is purely and utterly down to me. I would bet its similar to how parents feel

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