Wednesday 21 May 2008

Setting sail on the journey...

I write the following to help me better understand what the next stage in my life will be & to help me understand when I am in the thick of it how I felt & what I was thinking.

I feel I am embarking on a voyage. The voyage has no absolute defined destination. I think I know where I am heading for, but all I really know is I'm getting my boat in order, filling it with the right suplies & then just setting off.

I have perversly become more comfortable the less I try to work out where it will take me. That seems so bizarre for me, but it is a hugely relieving position to be in.

I will need to rely on my wits. I will ned to rely on dealing & acting with ambiguity. I will need to constantly pull myself away from the detail, see the abstact and at the horizon to see where my voyage is going.

I enjoy the possibilities that this voyage opens up. If it works or if it fails, if I circumnavigate my globe or if I fall overboard just as I leave the harbour, the possibilities are greater, more exciting than they are now. That is a tremendously confident place to be.

I will not be able to predict all that comes before me. There will be storms, some caused by myself & some by others where I will have to reef up & take the battering. I will have to let go sometimes in order for me to get through the storms. There will be times where I will be in the doldrums where nothing seems to move. I will need to become comfortable & relaxed in my incapacities, using this time to build my capabilities & repair my ship. And I know there will be fair weather, the wind will shift & it will at times be at my back. These are the circumstances that will come to define what my possibilites can be.

I need to remember I was born lucky. That life is about the ups & downs, that there is no one formula to making sense of life & getting anything out of it. "Rules are for people who cannot make up their own!". I need to celebrate the downs as well as the ups. I need to celebrate my survival in the downs. I need to demonstrate my resilience & patience, to allow the luck to kick in.

I know I have not covered every eventuality, nor will I be able to. I need to be flexible in coping with whatever comes. I will need to change & adapt, and that in itself is exciting.

So I hope the voyage is eventful. That I embrace ALL the possibilites that are thrown up & I take the time to reflect upon my voyage. It should be fun...

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