Thursday 9 October 2008

Going Schizo!!!

I once pondered that I thought there were only two types of people in this world: lazy & thick.

And for the last week, I have been both of these types of people.

I've had a week off my day job so I can focus on starting up the test and see how it goes. I have relied on one route rather than chasing it down, and I'm beginning to face the consequences of that decision. I had really thought this through and thought it would be easier than it actually has been in the last 7 days (despite me spending hard cash to chase the game!). So I've been a bit of a thicko on that one...

But never mind just being thick - with my week off I thought I would be chasing leads down, making things happen, but in reality what I've been down is chasing my own tail. I've had long lies and pottered about the flat, and then disaster yesterday when I succumbed & bought a PlayStation 3! Now all my good intentions have been destroyed.

So all day today I have been cursing myself for being truly lazy and a bit thick, but I have resolved that I will shake my commitment up tomorrow... in time to go on a stag weekend in Ireland.

P.S. I am prone to making sweeping generalisations, and I know that people don't fall into JUST two main groups... there's at least 7!

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