Wednesday 14 September 2011

Billion Pound Learnings

I was recently at an event from a founder of a multi-billion pound business, who gave a very entertaining and thoughtful presentation on his learnings. I would normally quote him, but given it was off the record...

  • Be Hungry Like The Wolf - the mighty wolf is a strong & crapricous carnivore, but it is not too proud to eat the lichen off the rocks in winter when it can't find enough food so it can survive another day.  So be proud, but not too proud to change the plan when an opportunity presents itself so you can survive for another day.
  • Too much money means too little focus. A number of start-ups need loads of financing and this can sometimes be their own downfall, as the less money you have the less options you have to focus on.  This means that you prioritise behind the things that will really make a difference.
  • Rip Up The Business Plan - If you need a detailed business plan to get funding, then once you have the cash, rip up the plan and learn.  Look for capital funders who are happy to have a company learn rather than stick to the plan.
  • Beware of doing it properly - basically understand why things have to be done "properly" or why things are done the way they have always been done and if nobody can truly explain the reason why things are done "properly" or the way they've always been done.
  • Take a gun to a knife fight - ensure that if you are competing, that you have a clear, differentiated & unfair advantage.  And don't get into a gun fight if you only have a knife!
  • Don't get drawn into it rusty - a reference to a Gary Larsen Far Side cartoon and basically means not to get drawn into a fight on somebody else terms.  Always fight on your own terms.
  • Focus - get the 5 things done that need to be done, then go home!
  • There are no rules for innovation.  Innovation is about breaking the rules. So therefore you can't learn the rules of innovation.
  • Take a risk, especially with people. Look for people who are different and develop a true meritocry.
  • Create urgency - speaks for itself!
  • Allow the space for things to grow. But also once you've given it the time, if it's not growing, stamp on it. Basically use a Disney Creative Technique.

Tuesday 13 September 2011


On a recent innovation project, we hit the often ignored element of occasion - basically, when were the target consumers going to use our new product and how could we reflect this occasion in our Brand Essence Wheel / Key Brand Benefit.

This is the biggest opportunity area for a marketeer - understanding when the consumer is in need of the product and look to expand that opportunity with an extended occasion.

The client initially viewed the occasion opportunity as lunch and weekends, with some consumption in the morning. This was pretty straightforward and based purely upon the current consumption patterns of the generic category.

That is to say, that unprompted by advertising, consumers enjoy this category at two distinct times-  lunchtime and over the weekend. All well and good.  Now the choice becomes do we want to fight a share war just over these two occasions with generic offerings that can compete better on price because of their lower quality or can we bake a bigger cake and take the largest slice of that cake

Well by looking at the occasion of consumption we can start to see opportunities where with a little prompting, consumers can start to see how a brand can be relevant in these other specific occasions, and what's more, the brand will own that occasion, as opposed to sharing it with every other brand in the more generic occasions.

A good example would be Diet Coke.  Back in the day, Diet Coke's consumption occasion was pretty much limited to lunchtime, especially by female office dwellers.  So how could Diet Coke look to expand its occasion (and therefore its marketshare)?  It could look at other meal times, since consumers had already associated Diet Coke with food for lunch, but it was highly unlikely that Diet Coke would offer an appetising choice at the breakfast table.  It could offer an opportunity for the evening meal, but given the choice of drinks in the home (from tea, coffee, water, cordials, fresh fruit juices, never mind the array of wines & beers available) or when out for dinner (more likely than not to be an alcohol occasion) it probably seemed quite a limiting opportunity area. 

They hit upon the idea of owning "the break".  The time in the day when people need a physical refreshment but also a emotional refreshment.  And the great piece of news was that we all need a break EVERY day and Diet Coke can credible offer refreshment during a break. Thus was born the Diet Coke break moment.

So using Diet Coke as an example with my client, I have been able to lift their sights above just the existing generic consumption occasions and find not only a time that fits with the physical requirements (e.g. thirst) but also emotionally (e.g. refresh).  This means that it reinforces the brand's identity and creates a powerful connection moment for the brand in the eyes of the consumer.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Twenty Minutes A Day

Last night I attended a networking event for "ideas" people hosted by the author of Screw Work Let's Play.

It felt like I had found my community, but I had discovered it in a different way to the people that had arrived there as they had mostly arrived there after reading the book, I had arrived there by my own experience.

I left the event in two minds.  One mind slightly hacked off, for reasons I won't go into here.  But I was also struck by the energy that just doing gives to an idea.

I will now attempt to spend 20 minutes a day on getting a couple more of my ideas up and running over the next month or so and see what difference that makes...

Monday 5 September 2011

In A "What" vs "How" Fight, What Needs To Win in NPD

Back in school we were always told to show our workings when doing "sums", just in case we got the number wrong by simply overlooking an element of the calculation.  We were rewarded in part by the "How" as much as the "What".

But recently while working with a client on a new product, I realised how easy it is to fall for the "how" over the "what".

I know from my years of working on new products that the functional benefit (the what) is vastly more important than the emotional benefit (the how), as users have to establish the use & credibility of the new product's usage claims before they will buy into it. But the client & I spent too much time getting excited about the how and didn't answer the what sufficiently.

But what do I mean by the what (functional benefit) & how (emotional benefit)?  When developing a brand, the classic tool used is the brand essence wheel, which details the functional benefit on the top half of the wheel, asking questions like what does it do and what does it look like.  The BEW then asks what backs up the functional benefit, what makes the what credible by looking at the facts and symbols.

A classic example is the launch of the Gillette fusion in 2006. The functional benefit is not the five blades as they are the product features (the what it looks like) but that is gives men the most comfortable shave, because of its five blades which don't tug & pull.

The emotional benefit of the BEW (the lower half of the BEW) asks about how it makes you look and how it makes you feel, backed up by the personality of the brand.  The feel of the brand is very important to the longevity & profitability of the brand.  As an example, look what happened to Tango when they moved their "feel" away from edgy urban kids playing street hockey underneath the A40 (How many people actually remember that ad?!?!?) to the "You Know When You'Ve Been Tangoed" with the orange "portly gentleman" slapping the drinker on the chops with a football TV pundit style commentary - sales rocketed!

But the problem is not getting sucked into the trap of trying to create a sexy, glamorous TV commercial with the feel before the what is stuck into people's minds. After spending a fun afternoon developing a song platform for the launch of the brand, I realised that I had too fallen into the trap by focusing too much on the sparkly shinny bit of marketing and not the important "Ronseal" test element of marketing...

So with that, I'm going back to the client and challenge them to describe exactly how their product meets the functional needs of the consumers and how we describe that on the packaging...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Tomato Soup is Tomato Soup

I recently placed an order with Ocado for my groceries and it struck me when looking at the vast array of Tomato soups available and the difference in price for each type of Tomato Soup, that surely Tomato Soup is Tomato Soup? Well I thought so, but now I'm not so sure...

Here's a chart with the different soups and the price per gram. I was amazed at the variation...

Ocado's Tomato Soups
So why is there such a variance for simple Tomato Soup?

Well it's all to do with the Price Value Equation, I mentioned before.

Basically people perceive that each of these soups has different levels of perceived benefits, and each benefit (and subset of benefits) is valued differently. The more benefits the soup has the higher the price, although I guess a  couple of soup manufacturers have probably got their pricing wrong...

Its no surprise that Waitrose Cream of Tomato Soup is the cheapest both per serving but also per gram as it's own label and positioned as no frills, despite it being from a recognisable and (arguably) strong brand. I'm not surprised to see their Tomato & Marscapone higher up the scale as it has a higher perceived value because of its raw ingredients and its packaging.

What I was surpised at is Heinz's pricing strategy... The Organic, Farmer's Market and Touch of Basil which all appear to have more product benefits are actually cheaper than other standard Heinz Cream of Tomato formats, except the multipacks. This is the first and only time I can recall having ever ever seen Organic cheaper than the standard offering... Perhaps Ocado and Heinz have to take a look at their pricing, by either contacting me or reading some books...  Search for pricing strategy

How to be a great account manager

I was recently asked to help a young account manager develop their own account management skills and rather than spend hours inflating my own ego about the capabilities I have and the behaviours I exhibit in being a good account manager, I chose to put my recent coaching expertise to good work.

We started our conversation, helping him understand for himself what was important about being a good account manager and what he thought a good account manager was. To help him, I asked some straightforward questions, to help focus his attention towards his particular area. It was during that part of the conversation that I saw a light bulb go on in his head - what he thought was a good account manager didn't tally with his buyer's idea of a good account manager or indeed what his boss or his managing director actually thought a good account manager would do.

So he committed to ask a colleague who once worked as a buyer for a large retailer in the UK what she thought it would take to be a good account manager. The answer he got from her was pretty simple in it's boldness - understand my business! The buyer had been targeted on profit, waste and sales in his overall category. She was also targeted on other small areas, but she thought they were particular to her and her category.

Now he had realised that he had been potentially annoying his buyer as he was always talking about his brands' performance and not on the category and not looking at wastage or profit for her. This was a pivotal moment for him as it brought into focus what he was potentially doing wrong and how he could change it to be compelling for his buyer. Despite being on courses before about account management, it was only now that he could see for himself what success looked like, rather than all those PowerPoint slides that told him what a great salesperson should focus on.

He than started to take the same approach for his boss and his Managing Director and came to the conclusion that their goals were not aligned, as the boss wanted to achieve his sales targets (volume only) with the least amount of effort and that the MD wanted to increase profit in the short term. He felt he was a bit of a piggy in the middle between the goals of the buyer, the boss and the MD's. He felt that he had to play them off against each other...

I reassured him that this was in essence "the game" that everybody played as all parties are fighting over the contents of the table and want their biggest cut of the contents. I asked him how he could win at this game and he started to think about what behaviours it would take to be a winner in this game.

After another session he developed his own list of behaviours he felt would meet the criteria of all parties (including himself) in being a good sales manager. We then went through each of them and the sub-components, scoring himself against his standard as we went. We then discussed how he could improve his score to become a better account manager. Was it better to focus on improving every criteria or to focus on key ones? If key ones, was it better to focus on improving the score from a 8 to a 9 of from a 4 to a 6? The answer to that question is his alone and differs with every criteria, as quite simply his success will only be down to what he has the appetite to improve.

We left with the next session being about constructing a good proposal to a buyer and also to prepare for the moves in the game, between the buyer, the boss, the MD and himself and I think that session will be equally interesting, if not more so, given the frameworks around proposals and negotiating we both have...

These sessions highlighted to me a few things...

Firstly, the power of self-discovery - when that moment of awareness by one's self clears up all confusing thoughts and allows one to focus on what needs to be done. Numerous courses or people telling you what to do won't help you gain insight or confidence about what needs to be done, only by understanding yourself will that discovery be gained. That sounds a bit zen like, but it is so true.

The second thing I noticed is that his confidence in himself increased dramatically. His behaviour started to change from being a person seeking permission for his every action, to taking the actions on for himself. In short he had gained a great deal more confidence to be self-autonomous and responsible for his own actions.

The third thing, I noticed was how much I enjoyed the sessions. It wasn't about me - funnily enough I could have told her all of what he discovered himself, and to tell him that would just be me boosting my ego (just as I'm doing now!). It was all about him. I felt honoured (and humbled) to be able to witness somebody be willing AND able to take their own development seriously and develop further than in any way I possibly could alone...

Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Price Is Not Only Right, But Omnipresent & Omnipotent

Price. Getting it right terrifies most people and yet it is critical to business success, not just because it drives the income but also because it perpetuates a perception about your business.

Price is omnipresent and omnipotent. Everybody and everything has it's price. Sometimes price is monetary, sometimes it is non-monetary, but it always corresponds to value.

That last statement might seem arbitary, but it is precise as there is a relationship between price, value & benefits, known as Price Benefit Equation.

The equation is breath takingly simple in it's lay out, but sufficiently sophisticated to help explain and exploit your pricing.

V = B / P

V is for Value, and reperesents the relationship between benefits and price. This is an arbitary approach, one that goes on most in individual's sub-concious but is sometimes expressed, usually as "It's not worth it" or "That's a bargain".  Basically buyers will only see value when the equation states that perceived benefits outwiegh price.
B is for Perceived Benefits, in other words the elements of the product or service that best meet the thoughts of what thebuyer thinks he or she needs. The perception distinction is important as the benefits are solely related to the individual buyer and not homogoneous.  The more unique and the more beneficial the item or service is, the higher price that can be charged keeping the
P is Price, that is to say the amount you are willing to exchange in return.  This may be in the form of money, but Price can take on many other forms such as time, energy, academic grades, skills and other items or services you may be willing to barter for.

The funny thing is that each element in this equation is always open to change, every minute of the day, depending upon the perception the buyer has of the benefits and the price, relative to what is going on in the buyers life and what the competition are doing.  For example a tired parent may be more willing to see value in an expensive baby soothing product at 3am when the child is crying through the night, than it would be with a whimpering child at 4pm.

Also it depends upon the competition, and how they position their product / service benefits.  Any change by them can affect your market share, should their value equation change.

One rule of thumb to consider in all of this is that if and when you are able to demonstrate a change in perceived benefits, then you should also change the price, otherwise one of two things might happen.

The first is that over time, buyers think that any added benefit is "free" and therefore don't appreciate the added benefit as having extra value.  This may be a killer issue for you, if the added benefit is more costly to you than the previous product and without any increase in value, then you will be making less per unit.

This can be compounded by the second thing that might happen. If you don't change the price with an added benefit product / service, then you should see an increase in your market share as buyers start to see a "bargain" and jump ship from your competitor products.  So you could end up selling more volume of a product / service that makes less money. However, it depends on the elasticity of your product / service within the category (I'll bore you with that another time!).

So pricing isn't that difficult at the end of the day... just remember the more benefits you can realistically claim,  the higher the price you can charge...