Wednesday 17 December 2008

Victor Charlie gets a free lunch

My business buddy has set me up to meet a friend of his who is a Venture Capitalist over lunch, and I'm looking forward to meeting up with him to get a sense of the lie of the land.

I'm hoping he can answer the following questions...

  • What is the process for getting funding?

  • Which are the right funds to approach and how do you get to find them? How do you get a meeting with them?

  • How do they decide which projects to invest behind?

  • What are the key things they are looking for?

  • What is the most appropriate way to value a business? Is it a Discounted Cash Flow on mythical numbers?

  • What will I have to concede in terms of ownership?

  • How much will I have to invest myself?

  • How long does it take to secure funding?

  • What is the view on taking a sabatical from work rather than being truely free?

  • Can I draw a regular salary from the company or will I have to be self-sufficient?

I'm not expecting to pitch to him or to present any of my ideas, just to chat through these questsions in return for him enjoying his free lunch...

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