Monday 8 December 2008

The force is strong with this one

Last week, I did something that if my friend Kenny found out, he might strongly object to.

Now with statement like that, it might seem that what I did last week would be down right illegal, immoral or impractical.

But the reality is far less intriguing. I went to see a life-coach.

There. I admitted it. Kenny don't go mental!

For awhile I have been feeling listless about many things, and despite what this blog might indicate, I had not been feeling I was fully committed to getting my idea off the page.

So when a colleague who is studying to become a life coach asked for volunteers to allow his fellow pupils to try out their new found skills for free (normally they would cost up to £300 per hour!), I ripped his arm off!

I spent just over an hour with Jennifer (her name has been changed to protect the innocent, Kenny!) and at first it was a bit clunky, but at the end it was all worth it. I felt a clear understanding of where I was in my journey and what I could do to help me on the forthcoming steps.
We used a tool called the Force Field Analysis, and she guided me through how to use. First she helped me define what my decision actually was, and then what would it take to make this decision and what is holding me back, defined as Drivers & Constraints. Once I had a list of them I then scored out of ten just how big they were currently.
I was quite surprised just at the lack of high scoring Drivers I scored, but I suppose that is a reflection of just where things are right now and the lack of momentum I've been feeling. I was also surprised at how many of the Drivers were emotional where as most of the Constraints were much more tangible.
Now the clever bit... She suggested I use the things are currently big drivers to fuel the other Drivers which in turn will reduce the level of some of the Constraints I'm feeling, and come up with an action plan to build up momentum again...

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