Tuesday 2 September 2008

Je Suis Le Grande Homme!

To live through the roller coaster of setting up a business with a new idea, I have come to the conclusion that one needs a degree of arrogance.

Why would I be an advocate for arrogance, given I seem to continually fight off that label for myself? Well... when taking people through one's new idea, some people out there can only see barriers & obstacles or reasons why it won't work. And lets be clear here - it is vitally important to recognise those barriers & obstacles as real otherwise any opportunity is just a pipe dream.

But its important to know too that there is a way around those obstacles (even if right now one doesn't know what those are!) and to believe in the idea and believe in being able to deliver the idea, no matter what the obstacles are.

Although most people I have told about my business idea think its a good one, they have all thought it has ... well... deficiencies. Some are very relevant and also ones that I have considered and others are borne from a lack of capability or understanding about the product / market itself.

For example, I have the same recurring challenge from my dad - one of Intellectual Property. I hear exactly what he is saying and I share his point of view, but if all I did was listen to him I would have shut up shop ages ago and not bothered progressing any of this. What I continually think is ..."Well how can we overcome this?" and I believe I have a real life solution that overcomes this barrier (I need to run it past a patent attorney just to be sure) but he still has issues with this but I think that's because he doesn't really understand how "normal" this issue actually is for a great number of producers. Anyway... probably now going into a separate discussion about me & my dad...

So my thought right now is that to maintain the momentum in bringing to life any idea, is a prerequisite to have arrogance but not conceit (I'm beginning to sound like Sister Sledge's "He's the greatest dancer!").

Well that's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it...

[Is it just me - when one uses "one" it sounds kinda arrogant & pompous! Point proven actually!]

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