One of the tools was for me to paint a picture of a time in the future that was relevant to me. This was my first big challenge... when in my future life was I going to be measured? This was part of the problem... I didn't know where I was going and didn't have a goal set for the future, so couldn't then work towards it. So in the end, I plumped for (randomly!) 7 years time in 2016...
I was then invited to brainstorm what the future held for me and then to reflect back upon that future to this time and place, generating a list of what had happened by 2016. Once I completed the list, I was invited to then prioritise my list, and my coach then interrogated & really challenged my priority of these items (but not the items on the list) and what became clear was that some were not the priority I thought they were and some were linked by cause & effect.
It was an emotional experience, especially the realisation of the shadow of my dad that I have created in my life, even at my age now. I don't think it will be the last experience with a life coach (as I've got many other issues needing to be resolved, e.g. self limiting behaviour...) and thus far its been very very helpful...
So I thought I would share with you the glimpse I have into this future with my list in order of importance...
- I am on a path/direction for the future. I have clarity.
- I feel stable; I have roots. I continue to be close to my friends. We are emotionally close, involved in each others lives; my family is their family and vice versa.
- I have felt challenged and successful at meeting that challenge – this is my destiny.
- I am financially secure – if I have an idea, I can go and do it; I am not constrained.
- I am challenged by my father and have met that challenge and he respects me for that.
- I am a catalyst eg. helping people take an idea through to selling a product.
- I have broadened my skills, professionally and personally.
- I am having fun.
- I have brought fun and happiness into peoples lives.
- I have helped other people (either directly or indirectly) as an inspiration.
- I am set up to be emotionally, financially and physically supportive of my mother.
- I am healthy and active.
- I am married with children. I have found someone who wants to challenge me, who I perceive is (at least) equal to me, emotionally secure, respects me and accepts my challenge.
- As a leader, people have met their own potential including myself.
- I own at least one property – possibly London, Italy and Scotland.
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