Wednesday 19 May 2010

New Job

I've been in my new job as a self-employed entrepreneur for eleven working days now, and basically it's just like any new job...

I'm getting to grips with where my desk is, where I can get my lunch and all the paperwork of a new job.

I'm becoming more comfortable at my desk which varies from being either quiet areas of The British Library, The Royal Academy, my bank, a shared workspace for the outplacement agency secured through my ex-employer or at home (though that's not ideal). I hear that there are plans for more dedicated office space in the future, but as yet they are just rumours...

My boss is quite good. He's quite understanding and has laid out a general objective for the next three months - basically to find my feet. I think we'll need to have quite an in-depth conversation about my priorities and detailed objective plan in the coming weeks.

My colleagues are pretty quiet, but I plan to see them on a more regular basis, just to mull over stuff in my head and also to get their perspective on the job. May be I can help them too...

The paperwork seems to be death by a 1,000 cuts. Fill out this form, wait two weeks, fill this out... but it's not too bad. The Bank made me feel like I was a lottery winner by providing three people at the meeting and flattering me with free office space and support - just need the cheque now!

It's living up to expectations in terms of freedom... In terms of actual work, well that seems a little slower than I expected, but I always expect to become a master of a job in the first couple of weeks when in reality it takes 3-6 months before you actually even know where the coffee machine is and what your colleagues names are! It's all a learning experience...